Synergy Physiotherapy
Rehab | Rebuild | Return


All you frequently asked questions answered!
  • Q: What can I expect during a physiotherapy appointment?

    A: During your first appointment, your physiotherapist will take a detailed history of your condition, and will conduct a physical examination to assess your mobility, strength, and range of motion. Based on this assessment, your physiotherapist will develop a personalized treatment plan to help you achieve your goals. Treatment may include exercises, manual therapy, modalities, and education.
  • Q: Do I need a referral to see a physiotherapist?
    A: It depends on the country you are in, in some countries a referral from a doctor is needed to access physiotherapy services, while in others you can make an appointment directly with a physiotherapist. It's best to check with your local healthcare system to find out what the specific requirements are.
  • Q: How many physiotherapy appointments will I need?
    A: The number of appointments you need will depend on the nature and severity of your condition. Some patients may only require a few appointments, while others may need ongoing treatment. Your physiotherapist will be able to give you an idea of how many appointments you will need based on your initial assessment.
  • Q: Do you accept walk-ins?
    A: We are a strict appointment based practice. Unfortunately, we do not accept walk-ins
  • Q: Do you accept medical aid?
    We are affiliated with most medical aids. Please enquire on 0825342513 if we accept your medical aid.
  • Q: Do you submit medical aid claims?
    A: If we are affiliated with your medical aid we submit claims directly to them. If we are not your consultation will have be based on our standard cash consultation rate
  • Q: What do I do if my claim is rejected?
    A: If you claim is rejected you have 7 working days to pay the amount in full to us. Please check with your medical aid scheme if they cover you for outpatient physiotherapy and if you have enough funds in your medical aid saving account
  • Q: What Should I Bring?
    A: Please come dressed appropriately for you consultation with clothing that is easily accessible and that can be easily removed. This is to ensure that you and your therapist are both comfortable and dignified during your session 
  • Q: How do I book an appointment?
    A: Feel free to call, WhatsApp or click the following the link below 

    Book Greenside
    Book Glenanda
  • Q: Where is your practice situated?
    A: We are currently based in Johannesburg North and Johannesburg South

    Synergy Physiotherapy @ Health and Wellness Medical Centre
    69 Amanda Avenue, Glenanda

    Synergy Physiotherapy @ Greenside Clinic
    9 Gleneagles Road, Greenside
Have More Questions?
Enquire In The Form Below
Phone: 082 534 2513
Synergy Physiotherapy @ Health and Wellness Medical Centre
69 Amanda Avenue, Glenanda

Synergy Physiotherapy @ Greenside Clinic
9 Gleneagles Road, Greenside
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